Monthly Archives: March 2013

CAF’s estimates on the potential increase in Gift Aid are wildly unrealistic

The Charities Aid Foundation proposed, in the wake of yesterday’s Budget, that the suggested Gift Aid reform could raise more than £700m for the sector. They’ve produced some detailed calculations to support this thesis. But I’m not sure they’re right.

This year’s Budget is more middle of the road

Every year, when the Chancellor stands up to speak, you get a sense of a set of dice settling in the cup. Is this going be a good Budget for the voluntary sector? Because despite all the predictions and expectations, it’s pretty much down to a dice roll whether a Budget turns out well.

Capping charity admin costs is a very bad idea

In the last week, from two very different sources, we’ve had proposals that the charity sector should keep itself to a minimum level of administration costs. The first came from the philanthropist Gina Miller, who’s said the sector should keep its admin spending to below 25 per cent. The second, a bit more worryingly, came… Read more »

Let’s ditch workfare and introduce the Community Allowance instead

Once upon a time there was a great idea for helping the unemployed into work. It was called the Community Allowance, and various well-intentioned people spent years trying to make it happen.

The sector isn’t going to get smaller contracts, so it needs to win big ones

Last week, Chris Grayling told a meeting of the House of Commons justice committee that he wanted contracts in his department’s new payment-by-results probation scheme to be small enough for voluntary sector organisations towin them.